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side track  o-blog: an i.p. blog


12-01 Here are some of the things I did while I wasn’t updating this site. I was invited to present the PhotoStatic Magazine Retrograde Archive at the Wizards of OS conference in Berlin in June. You can read this text. • I visited Thailand and Vietnam and Italy and Hungary and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in the past fifteen months. • And, during this autumn, I have accepted a temporary teaching position in the Experimentelles Radio department of the Bauhaus University at Weimar, Germany.


The Abortive Re-Design

re-design axed

Site Note

All the links and other appurtenances of the site work as before — with the exception that all links to the home page from the old site will take you to the “real” home page (i.e., the new re-design) rather than this older version of it. Do not be dissuaded by this.

Off to Spain for Big Gig


Spain for a second time

Recently, Tape-beatle public appearances have been few and far between, but coming up on May 8, The Tape-beatles will deliver two cinematic opi at KINODESECHOS, a film and new art festival to be held in Madrid, Spain. Opus the first consists of the expanded cinema for “Matter”, which will be swiftly followed by a tweaked and tightened new version of “Good Times.”

The following day, May 9, The Tape-beatles will participate in a round table discussion about issues concerning intellectual property and the “art of collage”. The events will take place at La Casa Encendida.

Pardubice Hosts The Tape-beatles

projector controls

Divadlo 29 for a second time

Sometimes when we do a show in a place, the level of indignancy is sufficiently low that we are invited back. Such is the case with Divadlo 29 in Pardubice. So impressed were they with our 2002 presentation of “Good Times” that they wanted us back to complete the suite. Which is precisely what we did, this time bringing them our “Matter” and “The Grand Delusion”. An hour of Q&A rounded off the evening.

A listener writes

big screws

We like to get mail

The following is an example of what we like about getting mail: the unexpected, mixed with the banal, turned over by a dry wit, and lightly shaken:

Hi, Jim Hayes in Georgia here. I was in a couple of YAWNs a long time back. I grabbed some tapes at my parent’s house the other day, one of them was a hand made Tape-beatles tape (so to speak). It’s a glossy newspaper ad that says 30% off and “plagiarism” inked across. I threw it in my trunk. The next morning I went to Wal-mart to get cat litter and bottled water (you cannot drink the tap in Georgia). I opened the trunk and saw the tape; stuck it on the bumper and loaded the goods. I drove up to the next light about a mile away and realized it was still on the bumper. I slowly drove to the parking lot, scanning the pavement for the tape. I parked in my previous spot and got out. It was stuck on the bumper! I thanked God and drove home. In my e-mail box was the new issue of KINGBLIND: Music, Art & Entertainment and there was an article about the Tape-beatles inside. Pretty deep huh?

You can thank whomever you want, Jim, but I doubt God had anything to do with it. We’re in control of these things, don’t you know. It’s part of our plan. Here at the Glassed-in Laboratories, we’ve been perfecting what we call “the sticky trick” for over a decade now. Glad it worked so well for you.

Tape-beatles in Madrid, and Pardubice

New Shows Confirmed

As part of the event Kinodesechos, the Tape-beatles will present their three-screen panoramic works “Matter” and “Good Times” on May 8. (The former is actually a Public Works piece performed by the Tape-beatles.) The day after, the group will participate in a panel discussion on art and copyright.

Although the date is not yet firm, fans in Central Europe can see the group bring their show to Pardubice, in the Czech Republic. Watch this space for details as they are known.

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