Public Works Productions

Reviews of Recordings by Public Works and The Tape-beatles

“Minneapolis Summit” Mini CD

Minneapolis Summit

Disk reviews

Minneapolis Summit (EP)

Numbers (EP)

Good Times (CD)

Matter (CD)

The Grand Delusion (CD)

Music with Sound (CD)

A subtle buoyancy… (CD)

Show reviews

The Chicago Reader

at the Empty Bottle

at the ATA Gallery

at Illinois State U


Artpaper (Philip Blackburn)

Icon (Todd Kimm)

Tractor (Steve Perkins)

Synergy (Steev Hise)

E-mail (Erik Benndorf)

Radio Free Berkeley

X Magazine (G. Daniels)

Vital (Anton Viergever)


Daily Iowan (1) (2) (3)

Neo (Beth Lucht)

Keyboard (Mark Dery)

Pulse (Paul Ashby)

Montreal Mirror (B. Kelly)

C.R. Gazette (D. Rexroat)

Artpaper (L. Roberts)

Black Book (Anuj Desai)

Sentire Ascoltare Online Magazine, February 2003

Solitamente additata come noiosa e morbosamente cerebrale, la musica elettronica improvvisata può riservare anche lavori di concetto allo stesso tempo sofisticati e di piacevole ascolto. Ecco dunque il risultato dell’incontro fra Steev Hise, The Tape-beatles, Escape Mechanism e Wobbly, tutti progetti provenienti da città diverse che, in questa session in studio dell’ottobre 2001, si miscelano alla perfezione in una stupefacente dimostrazione di cut’n’paste. Per la prima volta assieme, gli artisti danno vita ad un eclettico collage di folgorazioni digitali, registrazioni contry e rock, sample vocali e soprattutto evidenti influenze hip-hop che donano ritmo ed anche qualche nota bizzarra. Senza mettere da parte neppure il jazz, il Minneapolis Summit apre le porte ad una visione più ampia della musica contemporanea pur non stravolgendone le regole.

[Usually considered boring and excessively cerebral, improvised electronic music can also consist in concept works that at the same time are sophisticated and nice to listen to. Here is the result of the meeting between Steev Hise, The Tape-beatles, Escape Mechanism and Wobbly (all projects originating from different cities) in this studio session dated October 2001, mix together perfectly in an amazing cut’n’paste demonstration. Together for the first time, the artists give life to an eclectic collage of digital flashes, country and rock recordings, vocal samples and — particularly — clear hip-hop influences that give rhythm and even some bizarre note. Not forgetting even jazz, Minneapolis Summit opens the doors to a wider vision of contemporary music without modifying its rules.]

by Michele Casella (translated from Italian by Nicola Battista)


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